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Helvana won't talk to me after defeating Olaf


New member
Greetings, first of all, I apologize for being nuisance again, unfortunately after defeating Olaf, Helvana moves near the word wall and won't speak to me at all, watching a video for reference, I should receive a misc objective to talk to her, which doesn't appear on my end.

I followed the instructions on my previous post and updated the file "Skyrim - Misc.bsa" from version 1.6.1170, this is how I got around the previous issue.

I noticed something, not sure if it might be related though, Olaf's inventory seems to change right after defeating him, I noticed this because he's supposed to hold a key to open the exit, which disappears very quickly upon death, if I don't loot it right as he dies, the key disappears.

The only mod that I know of that could be messing with his inventory is Legacy of the Dragonborn, since Olaf's body has a unique sword.

I tried reviving him and killing him again but it doesn't help, the misc objective doesn't appear. Up until this point Helvana worked without problem, even helped me solve the door puzzle before the fight.

Any help will be appreciated, also I'll leave the log and package information as well.


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Helvana gives you the key - I'm not sure how you're able to grab it off Olaf's corpse, perhaps there is some script lag there. Usually it's so instant, you never even see it.

If you don't take the key, will she talk?
Helvana gives you the key - I'm not sure how you're able to grab it off Olaf's corpse, perhaps there is some script lag there. Usually it's so instant, you never even see it.

If you don't take the key, will she talk?

Ahh, that explains it, however even if I don't grab it, the misc objective doesn't show up either, she just moves closer to the word wall and refuses to enter dialogue, the previous misc objective at the claw door worked just fine, I'll try a few things and report back if something works.
Did you already learn the word from the word wall? And Helvana did not speak to you immediately after? If you've already done this, and she still does not talk to you, it's possible that something in your modlist is causing a conflict. But it's also possible that continuing the save that was originally corrupted by those missing scripts might have permanently borked something.

Do you have a save from before you installed BCE by any chance? If so - do these problems still occur if you run through that dungeon again now that you have the correct BSA file version?
Did you already learn the word from the word wall? And Helvana did not speak to you immediately after? If you've already done this, and she still does not talk to you, it's possible that something in your modlist is causing a conflict. But it's also possible that continuing the save that was originally corrupted by those missing scripts might have permanently borked something.

Do you have a save from before you installed BCE by any chance? If so - do these problems still occur if you run through that dungeon again now that you have the correct BSA file version?

That's what I'm afraid I'll have to do, just tested it with a new save and it worked without problems, right after absorbing the word wall the misc objective triggered, when I test it with my current character the trigger doesn't happen even if I wait.

I'll test it by going back to an old save, will report back the results, thanks again for the help!
Ah, such a shame to roll back I know, but I do believe that was the issue here. I hope that everything runs smoothly for you going forward. In theory, it should - since all the correct scripts are now present from BCE start-up. Please let me know if you experience any further issues.