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Severe issues


New member
I keep a huge 1000+ mod list but I OBSESSIVELY test every single one before i even think of making a proper playthrough.
I've done EVERY creation club mod with no issues (except on ghosts of the tribunal which hardlocks at the final quest for dagoth ur's mask, and beafarmer which doesn't let you hire a steward)

Then the only creation worthy of being called a dlc - comes out, and it's a DISASTER getting it to work across maybe.... 5 ish saves doing all the prerequisite quests (including having a fully unlocked shout in unrelenting force just in case the resonant shout tutorial requires one)

let's compare and contrast

-sledrig never spawns (not a modded interior cell btw. no quest maker. prid targeting + player.moveto does not function, confirming he physically does not exist when he is supposed to. fixed by spawning him in from his first base id in help command)

-helvana refuses to enter dustman's respite, enter it, or acknowledge when you have the book.

-bard instruments are invisible when equipped/cause A-posing when "attacking/have no sound effects, yet have a full model in inventory and when dropped

-resonant crystals do not show their effects in the active effects menu

-several modded items in additemmenu have a red x in place of a mesh, unsure if they were intended to be encountered at all. May not be a bug.

-(softlock) dialogue for duels of wit have only "..." responses with looping npc comebacks. duels MUST be avoided and refused to progress.

-(hardlock) helvana refuses to give dialogue after her rival leaves and all bards/the drunk and chef are spoken to in the winking skeever, never progressing the objective to find the cipher.

-mod consistently self-disables in in-game load order on an unmodded copy in the main menu after mod reload (legitimately purchased copy). even if launched from mod organizer. for some reason does not occur on modded games.

-probably far, far more bugs if this is how many i encountered in the first non vanilla mission.

mod list coming soon if this doesn't get ignored. LMK if you have any of the same bugs!
again I'm running BEES - a sort of esl/esp omni-compatible hybrid which in over 1000 mods has been fully compatible with all of them except for Simpler Knock.
The caveat is that creation club menu can't be opened on this version!
Normally i circumvent this by downloading on a seperate computer, moving to my main pc, zipping all the plugin files with a meta ini and loading the zip file as a mod. This has worked for literally every other creation. I have all 3 files from this creation.
Actually seems I mispoke. The scripts you are missing are included in Skyrim - Misc.bsa, not _ResourcePack.bsa. I'll assume you have a version of that bsa or you'd be missing quite a lot more. My guess is something went wrong with your downgrade procedure and you're still using a version of that bsa from an older version of the game. I say as much as you only seem to be missing scripts added in the 1.6.1130 update. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the best of both worlds patcher or what, but it may be worth updating again and rerunning that utility if you do indeed want to stay on 1.5.97. You may even want to manually back up the Skyrim - Misc.bsa from the latest game version and restore it once the patcher has done its job. I...
smart too. you're very correct. unofficial backpatcher is currently undergoing a rewrite. to quote the stickied post:

if you guys are having trouble with the patcher for 1.6.640 and have the time you can just use the steam console to redownload the files, worked for
download_depot 489830 489831 3660787314279169352
download_depot 489830 489832 2756691988703496654
download_depot 489830 489833 5291801952219815735

just throw those into the steam console one at a time and it'll download
them to your steamapps/common/content folder, replace ur skyrim stuff
with that and ur good to go
thanks bethesda lol"

this is likely the problem you picked up on. circumventing the unexplained crashes is currently best done by manually downgrading skyrim to the version the backpatcher was written for, and redownloading an older misc.bsa in the process. question is whether the modern misc.bsa would wreak havoc in this version of the game.
And this right here is why Discord can never replace forums! One day, someone else is going to have this issue and be able to find your solution.
Lmao i tried it and the mod works flawlessly now.

Which is weird because according to bobbyclue, the misc bsa from 1130 is all that was needed, so maybe a new backpatching and backing up the misc bsa first is warranted.

Well thanks guys, i can even play instruments now. This has officially become a "does misc.bsa ruin backward compatibility" issue and no lobger an issue with the dlc.

Further help is appreciated but tou guys have done more than enough :)
How did you fix the duels having "..." as their only option? I updated my Misc.bsa but I'm still having that problem
Actually seems I mispoke. The scripts you are missing are included in Skyrim - Misc.bsa, not _ResourcePack.bsa. I'll assume you have a version of that bsa or you'd be missing quite a lot more. My guess is something went wrong with your downgrade procedure and you're still using a version of that bsa from an older version of the game. I say as much as you only seem to be missing scripts added in the 1.6.1130 update. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the best of both worlds patcher or what, but it may be worth updating again and rerunning that utility if you do indeed want to stay on 1.5.97. You may even want to manually back up the Skyrim - Misc.bsa from the latest game version and restore it once the patcher has done its job. I sounds like it may struggle with newer versions of that bsa.
I'm assuming the updated Misc.bsa file only adds new scripts and doesn't modify existing ones. In my case, I still experience issues, such as instruments being invisible when equipped in an ongoing playthrough after updating the Misc.bsa on version 1.5.97. However, when testing on a new save, the instruments appear as expected. Is there a console command, such as ReloadScript, that could fix this on an ongoing playthrough, or am I forced to kiss my 60 hour save goodbye?