Basically as the Title says, I can't drop an EEC Drop-Off Point from my inventory in Severin Manor after completing "Served Cold."
LO is:
Aldmeri Anti-Mage
Bards College Expansion
Bthar Caverns
Katja the Thief
Spelltome Craft
Thief Hideouts
Anise's Cabin
Legendary Dungeons: Nordic Secrets
Listener's Initiates
Messages in Bottles
Xila's Monstrous Dragons
A Fortress of Ice
Sword of Spirit
Bzalth's Workshop
Archer's Armaments
Winterledge Manor
The End
Seeking Out Scarlet
Rivershadow Retreat
Truth In Legends
Black Glass
Coven of Crones
Abyss - The Lost Levels
A Tale of Blood and Snow
The Magic of Madness
DrJacopo's 3D Reach Shrubs (for some reason)
Magenit - Genesis
Vvardenfell Arrows and Bolts
Elsweyr Cabinets of Curiosities
Aberrations of the Dwemer
A Classic Jail Experience
Tel Mithryn Residence
Morning Stars
Animated Weapon Series - Mehrunes Razor
A Castle of Chaos
Atmoran Shields
Echoes of the Vale
East Empire Expansion
Legendary Dungeons: Dwarven Delves
Shadetree Lodge
Silent Moons Weapons
Winter frost
Classic Dialogue Menu
Northern Woods Tree House
Capital Vaults
Yorgrim Hall
Vampire Extension Framework
Secrets of Rkund
Xila's Light Armor - Reworked
Scroll Craft
The Lost Doomstone
The Hidden - Quest and a Dungeon
Survival Settings
Longtooth Lair
Aetherforged Gigamaul
Xila's Elven Glass and Blood...
Cathedral - 3D Maple Vine
Bloodlust - Elven Armor & Weapons
Magenit - Somber Tune
Witches Festival
Mysteries of Cloudreach Barrow
Ancient Civilization Armory Complete
Forgotten Armory Collection
Fallen Heroes: Death Knight Paladins
Cheat Room
Anniversary Edition Cheat Room
Cheat Room Expansion [PC
Ancient Coldharbour Armor
Dark and Light: Paladin Pack
Southpine Forge
Dragonslayer - Quest and Fight Overhaul
Albion Armor ● Outpost Edition
LO is:
Aldmeri Anti-Mage
Bards College Expansion
Bthar Caverns
Katja the Thief
Spelltome Craft
Thief Hideouts
Anise's Cabin
Legendary Dungeons: Nordic Secrets
Listener's Initiates
Messages in Bottles
Xila's Monstrous Dragons
A Fortress of Ice
Sword of Spirit
Bzalth's Workshop
Archer's Armaments
Winterledge Manor
The End
Seeking Out Scarlet
Rivershadow Retreat
Truth In Legends
Black Glass
Coven of Crones
Abyss - The Lost Levels
A Tale of Blood and Snow
The Magic of Madness
DrJacopo's 3D Reach Shrubs (for some reason)
Magenit - Genesis
Vvardenfell Arrows and Bolts
Elsweyr Cabinets of Curiosities
Aberrations of the Dwemer
A Classic Jail Experience
Tel Mithryn Residence
Morning Stars
Animated Weapon Series - Mehrunes Razor
A Castle of Chaos
Atmoran Shields
Echoes of the Vale
East Empire Expansion
Legendary Dungeons: Dwarven Delves
Shadetree Lodge
Silent Moons Weapons
Winter frost
Classic Dialogue Menu
Northern Woods Tree House
Capital Vaults
Yorgrim Hall
Vampire Extension Framework
Secrets of Rkund
Xila's Light Armor - Reworked
Scroll Craft
The Lost Doomstone
The Hidden - Quest and a Dungeon
Survival Settings
Longtooth Lair
Aetherforged Gigamaul
Xila's Elven Glass and Blood...
Cathedral - 3D Maple Vine
Bloodlust - Elven Armor & Weapons
Magenit - Somber Tune
Witches Festival
Mysteries of Cloudreach Barrow
Ancient Civilization Armory Complete
Forgotten Armory Collection
Fallen Heroes: Death Knight Paladins
Cheat Room
Anniversary Edition Cheat Room
Cheat Room Expansion [PC
Ancient Coldharbour Armor
Dark and Light: Paladin Pack
Southpine Forge
Dragonslayer - Quest and Fight Overhaul
Albion Armor ● Outpost Edition