I think it would be nice if this ring had a custom model instead of just the gold emerald ring model. Perhaps something like the same engraving as the East Empire Pendents on Solstheim with a similar brassy texture. Apart from just being a nice way to add a little more flavor to the expansion, I feel it's particularly warranted because there's a quest (or are there several?) where you are specifically recognized for wearing this ring, which would make more sense if it had a distinct look. Would look nice on EEC NPCs as well.
BTW I'm loving the mod. I hesitated when it first came out but I decided to pick it up along with the Bard's College Expansion and I'm glad I did, great job!
BTW I'm loving the mod. I hesitated when it first came out but I decided to pick it up along with the Bard's College Expansion and I'm glad I did, great job!