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Doors to Bard's College are missing.


New member
The front door and the back door of the Bard's college are missing. There's just an empty void where they are supposed to be. If I use prid to select the ID of the door and type enable the door will appear and I can use it to enter the college. When I do this the stairs that are supposed to lead to Sledrig's office and Sledrig's office itself are missing. I'm using the Domini collection from the Nexus. I've tried lots of things to fix this. I've used tesedit to check for conflicts, but there are no meaningful conflicts. I've also searched this forum for any similar issues. I came across a post saying that resourcepack.esl was getting disabled and that you should add "_ResourcePack.esl" to the .ccc file to fix this. However, my .ccc file already contains "_ResourcePack.esl".

I recognize that Domini is a huge modlist, but I cannot see why Bard's College Expansion shouldn't work. There is almost nothing conflicting. The only conflict comes from Spaghetti's Faction Overhaul, but I have the patch for that from the official Bard's College Expansion patches. I would greatly appreciate any ideas anyone might have about how to fix this. Bard's College Expansion is so great I will literally not play without it. You guys did an absolutely incredible job making it.
After testing I believe the issue is SR Exterior Cities. That mod does basically the same thing as Open Cities. Gonna do some more testing to see if I can fix it.
The issue is SR Exteriors. I'm not a mod author so I may be wrong on some of this, but I believe what is happening is the following. SR Exteriors replaces the Soliude worldspace with its own version. It does this for everything in Solitude including the Bard's College. In addittion, Bard's College Expansion has it's own version of the Bard's College instead of editing the Vanilla Bard's College. So when I load Bard's College Expansion with SR Exteriors the version of the Bard's College that SR Exteriors places in your game has it's doors pointing to the Vanilla Bard's College instead of Bard's College Expansion's version of the Bard's College. I think the fix should be as simple as changing SR Exterior's doors to point to Bard's College Expansion's version of the Bard's College instead of the Vanilla Bard's College. I don't have any idea how to do this, but I'm gonna try to figure it out. If I do figure it out I will post the solution here in case it might help someone.
SREX and BCE worked for me when I used it (don't use SREX anymore so I can't investigate). It looks like that Collection probably patched SREX using the automatic Synthesis patcher which is the easiest way to go (you can see it has patches made in the Synthesis program under 'domini file repository' in their list of mods on the web page. That would probably mean the new BCE doors were not transported to the world, but they continue to exist only in the Solitude city that you can't access anymore when using SREX. There is a way to fix that, but you need to know some SSEEdit. I can't make a patch for you unless I download the entire Collection. Try asking the curator of the Collection for a patch, I believe (albeit without hard evidence) it is an issue with adding BCE onto a finalised modded version of the game. By the way, I don't speak for the Kinggath team, I'm just another BCE enjoyer.