Kinggath Creations

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Bards College Expansion - Unofficial Patches

Bards College Expansion - Unofficial Patches 1.5.0

Logo w wings.png

Kinggath Creations has done an excellent job ensuring that their new creation is as plug-and-play as possible. However, this highly stable approach does require additional patches, as the Bards College is replaced with a new cell. We have attempted to make this as seamless as possible while also patching any other issues the mod may have. All patches on this page are .ESPs flagged as .ESL so they won't take up a place in your load order.


IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ADD THESE PATCHES TO A NEW GAME. To quote robertgk2017 "Modding is illegal post character start." You might be able to get away with it if you haven't entered the cell yet but this is neither recommended nor supported.

If you are a mod author and would like a patch removed, please reach out to cavy8 on Nexus. We do our best to keep track of permissions but recognize that some things may have changed after being forced to move the patch hub off of nexus.

In addition, we have included two patches that require manual selection. One, made by Spacedroner, ensures any instrument mesh replacers you may have will work with Bards College Expansion. Another plugin ensures compatibility with ENB. BOTH REQUIRE MANUAL SELECTION.

The Charmers of the Reach patches do not fix the vampire limitation. I have copy pasted the work around from the COTR page:
How to preserve my character's appearance after turning into a vampire?
1) Create a RaceMenu preset before turning into a vampire.
2) Navigate to sculpting section in RaceMenu.
3) Export the head.
4) Become a vampire.
5) Enter the character creation menu.
6) Enter the sculpt menu
7) Import the head from the preset.

Planned Patches.png

(These will likely be a while but those of us who made this page are capable of making them so we hope to make them at some point)

  • JK's Bards College
  • JK's Winking Skeever
  • Enhanced Solitude

We do not plan on patching any of the major Bard overhauls such as Become a Bard, The Adamant Bard Addon or Skyrim's got talent due to script conflicts that we are not capable of fixing. In some of these cases it would require combining the two systems which would be way outside the scope of what could be called a patch.


Just download and install the FOMOD with your mod manager. The auto-select should take care of the rest.


cavy8 for graciously allowing monkeyangie and ChickenMike to join their page
bobbyclue for providing the Mannaz, Animated Armoury, RaceCompatibility, Guards Armor Replacer, Courier Crew, Aetherius - A Race Overhaul, NPC Names Distributor and Imperious patches.
MihailMods for House Cats
icecreamassassin for Legacy of the Dragonborn and SUDs - Skyrim's Unique Drinks
GGUNIT for Lux
kristakahashi for Interesting NPCs SE (3DNPC)
Watcherzero for Oblivion Artifact Patch SE
Craftian for Orpheus
viltuska for Skyrim Sewers
Smartbluecat for Inigo
RubberSpaghetti for Spaghetti's Bards College and Spaghetti's Faction Halls AIO
jayserpa for Gift of Saturalia
AndrealphusVIII for CC Hendraheim - Tweaks and Enhancements
kryptopyr for Thieves Guild Requirements and Atlas Map Markers
clintmich, SirJesto, and icecreamassassin for Skyrim Unique Treasures
Maplespice for Remiel
Antioch08 for Undeath Remastered
edhelsereg for Konahrik's Accoutrements
AlistairRodryk for Rodryk's Dragonbridge
RedBag for Redbag's Falkreath, Redbag's Morthal, Redbag's Rorikstead and Redbag's Solitude
JKalenad for Relics of Hyrule
PixieBomb for Redcap and Immersive Magic Brooms
SimonMagus616 for Pilgrim, Aetherius - A Race Overhaul and Gourmet
megaman2k for Mistborn - An Immersive Follower Collection
livtempleton for Kaidan 2
ripple for Inconsequential NPCs
Craftian for ezPG and Citizens of Tamriel
robbobert for Khajiit Will Follow
SetteLisette for Immersive World Encounters
JPSteel2 for Cities of the North - Falkreath and Cities of the North - Morthal
JobiWanUK for Chico The Comedy Khajiit - Reborn
aviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish and DanielHodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONE
DanielCoffey for Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library
Mharlek1 for Adoptable Beast Children
mnikjom for AI Overhaul
dkdoubledub for Bards College Excavation
NickaNak for Animated Armoury - DAR Version
Sparky88101 for Aedra Abode - Curse of the Dragonbone King
EnaiSiaion for Mannaz - Integrated Races of Skyrim and Imperious - Races of Skyrim
TMPhoenix for RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
XilaMonstrr for Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library REDUX
NordwarUA for Guards Armor Replacer and DanielUA for its port
FaramH for Epic Cities - Solitude
Zephur6788 for The Gemstone Collector
sasnikol for NPC Names Distributor
Drengin for Drengin's Blue Palace Terrace
Betalille for The Shadow Song
shazdeh2 for Tome Trials - Bardic College Book Exams
Emma for Vilja in Skyrim
Mharlek1 for Better Skyrim Parties - Weddings - Funerals - Crowd Events Overhaul
giamel for Courier Crew
TheUnexpected for Dagi-Raht Race
SassiestAssassin for Lunar Lattice Tweaks
TRXtrixter for COtR - HQ Characters creation addon for RM
Kartoffels for Charmers of the Reach (CotR) - Custom Male Body Patch and Addons
Pomelo8765 for Nature of the Wild Lands - forest and trees improvement mod
skinnytecboy for Professor Benjamin Doon SSE
Bethesda for the Creation Kit and Skyrim
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
All of these mod authors do excellent work and you should check all their stuff out.
First release
Last update


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Thank you so much for the extensive patch collection!
Looking forward to the, JK's Bards College, JK's Winking Skeever and Enhanced Solitude patches. Any update or timeframe on these?

Thank you for this!
Great work thanks for sharing!
Thank you for providing these patches!