I believe they mean that when they use the scanner, of course the people are highlighted, but that nothing shows up, in regards to any bounty, much less one specifically called "aggregated parking". I am also having the same issue. While it can be noted, that bounties not showing up on scanner is a known bug, that has been patched with November update for the base game, I have not personally encountered that issue, myself, thus far. So I will refine the question that markwmb was already trying to ask: Is there any particular area, within Akilla, that the target contact will likely be located, as there seems to be in issue finding them with the scanner, as bounties not showing up on anyone. Will they be indoors, or outdoors? Moreover, Is the target a named NPC, or a generic citizen? Will their scanner aura be standard orange, for a person that would reflect having a bounty? I am only adamant about a solution, because this is paid content, and have invested a considerable account of time trying to locate the contact, looking very thoroughly, at that. I have enjoyed everything about this mod/dlc up to this point. Please help.